Abderrahmane JADOUANE - عبدالرحمان جدوان
KeyWords Profil
Dr in Geography - GIS - Remote Sensing - Cartographic Application - NAT CAT risk - Climatology- Hydrology- Climate Change- Floods modelling - Technological risk modeling- WebApp Geographic -DRR - Volunteering: Children in street situations - volunteer charitable work
!doctype>Doctorate in specializing in Physical Geography
With highest honors and committee commendation
Thesis Title: Natural and Technological Disaster Risks in the City of Mohammedia
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Mohammedia University – Hassan II University, Casablanca
Researcher's Ranking According to the Global Index for the Academic Year 2023/2022
World Scientist and University Rankings 2023
Université Hassan II de Casablanca - Rankings: Ranked 1st in Geography – Ranked 17th in Natural Sciences