Abderrahmane JADOUANE - عبدالرحمان جدوان

KeyWords Profil

Dr in Geography - GIS - Remote Sensing - Cartographic Application - NAT CAT risk - Climatology- Hydrology- Climate Change- Floods modelling - Technological risk modeling- WebApp Geographic  -DRR - Volunteering: Children in street situations - volunteer charitable work

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Doctorate in specializing in Physical Geography

With highest honors and committee commendation

 Thesis Title: Natural and Technological Disaster Risks in the City of Mohammedia 

 Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Mohammedia University – Hassan II University, Casablanca 

Researcher's Ranking According to the Global Index for the Academic Year 2023/2022 

World Scientist and University Rankings 2023 


Université Hassan II de Casablanca - Rankings: Ranked 1st in Geography – Ranked 17th in Natural Sciences

المنشورات العلمية - Publications

 المنشورات العلمية - Publications


 عنوان المقال - Article Title

مرونة المدن وصمودها أمام مخاطر الكوارث سبيل من أجل تحقيق الاستدامة: حالة مدينة المحمدية - المغرب

 للتحميل أو القراءة - To download or read 

 عنوان المقال - Article Title

The Role of Digital Coast Analysis Technology (DSAS) in Coastal Assessment- East Coast Case of the city of Mohammedia-Morocco

Analysis of the spatial efficiency of pharmacy distribution using GIS: The case of the city of Mohammedia, Morocco

 عنوان المقال - Article Title

Overlap of the Safety Distance of the Gas and Oil Pipeline Network with the Urban Area of the City of Mohammedia Morocco

 عنوان المقال - Article Title

Resilience of Cities in the Face of Disaster Risks as a Pathway to Achieving Sustainability: A Study Using the United Nations Scorecard in city Mohammedia, Morocco

 عنوان المقال - Article Title

مظاھر التحول السریع لأنماط استعمال الأراضي بضواحي مدینة المحمدیة - المغرب

 عنوان المقال - Article Title

Simulation of the Flood of El Maleh River by GIS in the City of Mohammedia-Morocco


 عنوان المقال - Article Title

Perception and Knowledge of disaster risks and preparedness, the case of the city of Mohammedia-Morocco

 عنوان المقال - Article Title

The Role of Digital Coast Analysis Technology (DSAS) in Coastal Assessment- East Coast Case of the city of Mohammedia-Morocco

 عنوان المقال - Article Title

Tsunami Hazard and Area Vulnerability of Mohammedia City in Morocco Simulation on the Reference Tsunami 1755
 للتحميل أو القراءة - To download or read

 عنوان المقال - Article Title

The role of communication and information technology in valuing tourism resources: The case of the tourist offer of the city of Mohammedia (FIN KAIN Application)


 ملصق المقال - Poster Title

The Role of Digital Coast Analysis Technology (DSAS) in Coastal Assessment- East Coast Case of the city of Mohammedia-Morocco

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